Brian's Loft

Monday, July 21, 2003

Hi. I want to start off by saying thank you to everyone that came out the see Absent this past Thursday at the Lake Mary Pub. It was a really enjoyable show. Thank you to the bands that let us play as well. Anywho. The show was really fun and if you didn’t go you missed out and I hope that you go to the Warped Tour this Thursday to see us. The only bad thing about last Thursday was that I lost a cymbal arm for…you guessed it…one of my cymbals so I had to play without it. I still can’t believe that someone would steal it and it pisses me off. Absent is working on our new demo and we’re almost finished with it. All we have left is vocals and the mix down. Wooohoooie. There’s really not that much to talk about. I saw Texas Chainsaw Massacre the other night. It was quite disturbing but I can’t wait for the new one to come out. I’m going to be freaked out. Werd. That’s all for now. Later kids…see you Thursday.


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