Brian's Loft

Sunday, January 25, 2004

New post time! School is great. I really enjoy it. The other day in Behavioral Science I had to do a group project with other kids in the class and it was fun. The teacher assigned the groups but it was kool. I ended up with some interesting kids in my group. Our topic was the left and right side of the brain and we presented it in the form of a rap battle. My part of the project was to make the cd and be an intermission act. So for my act I did a dance for the class and told some jokes about the parts of the brain. It was the most fun I’ve ever had doing a project that I can remember. Other then school I haven’t been up to much. Mandy and I fought the other day b4 she went on her field trip and that sucked but there wasn’t much I could do about it. I wasn’t upset that she was leaving I honestly didn’t mind, we fought about other things and it was my fault like it usually is. Things are better now well, I think they are at least. I don’t know of what else to talk about so I’m going to go.


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