How are you doing? I’m alright thanks for asking. To start this post, I went to the MSI show the other night with Mandy and Monica. We left around 3:30 to head down to HOB so we could get a bite to eat and just hang out. I hadn’t originally planned on attending the show but Mandy didn’t feel comfortable driving down to Disney because she hadn’t done so before and I didn’t want anything bad to happen so I decided to go. When we arrived I went to the box office to see if tickets were still available. The show hadn’t sold out yet so I decided to purchase one. Then we went and ate at Wolfgang Pucks. I had the $11.95 burger which was worth about $4 and Mandy and Monica got sushi. Then we went over and waited in line for the show. I ran into Shane and Phil and talked with them for while and then Frank showed up. We talked about what the hell he’s been doing with his life and that was it pretty much. Then they started letting people into the show. The first band Retard-O-Bot sucked my asshole. Seriously, what a horrible band, the singer didn’t sing, the drummer couldn’t keep a steady tempo, the guitar player played like two chords and the keyboard/bass player did nothing. The second band Suicide City was decent. Some of their songs sounded similar and were pretty much all the same tempo but like I said they weren’t that bad. Then MSI played. It was a pretty good show. The crowd wasn’t the best and they lacked energy most of the time but MSI was all over the place. This show was not as nearly as good as the one downtown but it was still a damn good performance.
The new Coheed is pretty hott. I like it a lot. I get goose bumps every time I hear “Welcome Home” right before and during the solo. What a great song, what a great band.
I’ve been recording some more B2, the new shit should be finished soon.
On another note, I’m still looking for a job because at Harris Corp. the project they were hiring on for is up in the air at the moment. DAMN IT!!
I’ve started work on my new Demo Reel. It’s going to be a modeling/texture artist reel. I’m modeling Freddy, Jason, Leatherface, Michael Myers, Mandy as a vampire, my car and one creature, maybe two. Oh yeah probably a building or some scenery of some type as well. I don’t know if I’m going to put all that on my reel or not but there will be diversity and it WILL BE BETTER then my last reel.
That’s it for now. I’m off to the gym so I can stay in shape. I’ll talk to you later and maybe see you at HHN. Werd.
The new Coheed is pretty hott. I like it a lot. I get goose bumps every time I hear “Welcome Home” right before and during the solo. What a great song, what a great band.
I’ve been recording some more B2, the new shit should be finished soon.
On another note, I’m still looking for a job because at Harris Corp. the project they were hiring on for is up in the air at the moment. DAMN IT!!
I’ve started work on my new Demo Reel. It’s going to be a modeling/texture artist reel. I’m modeling Freddy, Jason, Leatherface, Michael Myers, Mandy as a vampire, my car and one creature, maybe two. Oh yeah probably a building or some scenery of some type as well. I don’t know if I’m going to put all that on my reel or not but there will be diversity and it WILL BE BETTER then my last reel.
That’s it for now. I’m off to the gym so I can stay in shape. I’ll talk to you later and maybe see you at HHN. Werd.
At 8:51 PM,
AJBrotz said…
you pinpointed it. that moment in Welcome Home is incredible - it cuts right through to the heart, like good music should. i remember freakin' out hardcore at that part when we saw them live. that balcony railing will never forget me.
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