Brian's Loft

Tuesday, July 30, 2002

Tits Shit and Piss Cock. tomorrow i get my tonsils taken out well, today that is at 7:30 a.m. wish me luck. i hope to see some of your faces at my house to check up on me or at least a phone call or something...(if i can talk) i hope everyone is doing swell and i know i am. i just got back from vacationing yesterday...the return from Gasparilla Island. i had an overall good time, a lot of highlights, some bitching, some girls, and some lovin'. one of the biggest highlights from the trip was the filming of a movie called Out of Time. they decided to film some scenes from this movie at our location and it was kool to be on a movie set and see how things run...this is the new Denzel Washington (sp?) movie. it's about a small town cop or better be good. i believe that's all for now. i love you all. give someone a hug mutha fukka'...Daddy niggle Bitty. werd*


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