Brian's Loft

Tuesday, February 25, 2003

Hello everybody! I just wanted to say hello and thanks to the selected few who actually take the time out of their day to read my blog and leave COMMENTS, I really appreciate it, honestly I do. Nothing has really been going on. School is fun yet boring at the same time and that pretty much sums that up. I still have some homework to do tonight but it shouldn't be that hard and I have a project due Thursday but, I’m pretty much finished with that so I don't have anything to worry about. 57 more days left in my high school career. I’m sad yet happy. Concerning absent, I have no idea what’s going on with that and it upsets me. It’s something I greatly enjoy and I love the music we played, yes played. We don’t really practice anymore but I hope things will pick up and all will be great again (not that things are great I’m just referring to the music thing). In other news 2 more days left of school this week and then off to Disney for Juan’s birthday extravaganza. I say this will rock. I’m off to go take a shower though. I hope everyone is enjoying life and if not DO IT! Or if you need someone to talk with about it I’m always here.


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