Brian's Loft

Wednesday, July 23, 2003

Yeah. I’m in a really pissed off mood and maybe it’s for the fact that everyone seems to think that I’m negative all the fukking time and that in itself pisses me off so I figure I might as well be angry and depressed b/c that’s the way everyone sees me. I don’t understand this for the fact that I have been on the up beat side for a long while now and very little comes out my mouth that is negative. Say what you will but fuk you if you say I’m negative. ;) Pessimism-1: an inclination to emphasize adverse aspects, conditions, and possibilities or to expect the worst possible outcome
2 a: the doctrine that reality is essentially evil b: the doctrine that evil overbalances happiness in life.
I don’t believe that to be me. If you do that’s great. Keep it to yourself. And this is another reason that I may seem down sometimes; b/c everyone is on my back about getting a job and as I have said before it does not concern you in concerns me and only me. I pay for dinner when I go out to eat, I pay for gas and my other expenses, which I don’t really have any other ones but anyway you’re not involved and please stay out of it. One more thing Don’t tell me what to do or what I’d like and what I wouldn’ the fuk would any of you know if you’re not me, which you aren’t so stay off my fukking case.
Love yourself….I do. J End of entry.


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