Brian's Loft

Monday, March 03, 2003

Hey. Its 7:53 in the a.m. and well, it seems as if yet again I have mad the decision to stay home from school. It’s just one of those days when you don’t want to see anyone and deal with anything…you know? I hate the feeling though, sometimes, when it just seems like I regret that I didn’t go and I feel bad to an extent. I haven’t missed that much school this semester and I know that the work that I miss from staying home can be easily made up and I don’t have a problem with that. The main reason I go to school is so I can be successful later in life and to see Mandy and my friends and people I won’t ever see again but some days I just don’t feel like dealing with all of it. I am aware that later in my life I won’t be able to miss whenever I feel like it and I won’t be able to just stay home so I don’t have to deal with people. I’m just taking advantage of it while I still can. I only have 53 days left of school and then I’m in the real world to an extent and it is a scary thing. Slacking off will not get me anywhere and this I know. I wish people could understand my logic behind skipping. You only live once. I’ll be working the rest of my life so I feel I don’t need to right now but I do for the fact that my parents could use some help with me feeding off of them for gas for my car and so forth. I don’t enjoy taking their money I honestly don’t but at the same time I don’t feel that I NEED a job at this point in time. Yes I am looking for one and no I don’t want to work for previous statements and I hate the fact that everyone’s life is pretty much the same. Think about it. You go to school, get a job, start a family and work and provide for your family the rest of your life. I’m not in the least saying that I don’t want to do this, all I’m saying is if you ever think about it the human plan is the same for each individual it’s just how you choose to go to school and get a job and start a family and basically I’m doing it on my own time not the time of others. That’s all I’m really trying to say. So how’s everyone doing?


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