Brian's Loft

Monday, September 01, 2003

Well, a lot has been going on for once. To begin, I have a virus on my computer, which I cannot delete. It’s called the favoriteman virus and no matter what I do it won’t go away. I’ve tried all the websites and it appears that I don’t have some of the files I need to get rid of it. So I have no clue what that’s about. Next, I’ve been having really weird dreams lately. I had one a few nights ago that had a lot to do with dinosaurs and I want to go into depth about it and I will just not in this post.
I was supposed to be getting a job at Bill’s Elbow Biggest Ass Fuck South but I didn’t. I had applied there a week or so ago and when I applied I had an interview where one of the managers told me to “come back on Sunday to check the schedule to see if you’re on it. You should be starting Monday or sometime next week.” So I went in that Sunday and some lady and Bill I believe it was said that they had never heard of me. Then they called the guy who “didn’t” hire me that’s exactly what he said, I didn’t hire him. So all I will say about that place if fuck them and they will never get me to go in there and give them my money again.
I applied at Office Max, TJ Max, and Bed Bath and Beyond the other day and I plan on going back sometime later in the week. I also plan on going out either tomorrow or today to Waterford Lakes and see who all is hiring down there.
I saw jeepers creepers 2 tonight with Mandy and it wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. I’m not saying it was good but I’m just saying it didn’t blow that hard.
Yesterday I helped my brother move out. That’s right he finally left. I can’t believe it. All day we packed up his room and such. All the posters, all the shit, the bed, the ps2, the chairs, the couches…everything is gone. It feels weird. I walk past his room and it’s empty. I don’t really like the feeling. I know he’s only 15 minutes away but I mean my big brother moved out and it kind of sux. I’m going to miss him not being home even though he really never was but I always knew that he had to come back sooner or later and now he really doesn’t.
This whole entry is in no order what so ever and that’s okay. I’m just writing whatever comes to mind at the time it comes to me. End of note.
I still haven’t watched The Two Towers yet. We just bought it today and Will purchased it like 2 days ago or so and I still have not yet viewed it. I’m almost finished with the book. Only 55 pages left and then one more to go. They are really good. I enjoy reading for once because it’s actually something I want to read.
I went to Best Buy today with my dad and Mandy to look at TV’s for myself. I’m not sure what kind I want to get or what size I want or even if I want one. It came up tonight between Mandy and I that I have a problem with people spending money on me. I don’t like it. I hate it when money is spent on me…like a large sum. If it’s my birthday or Christmas or something of that effect I don’t seem to mind as much but other then that I can’t stand it. I don’t like knowing that someone else is wasting their money on me and it bothers me for some reason. Asking my parents for money lately and I don’t do it often if I even do it is starting to get to me. I feel like a loser and I personally think I am. I know all of you are probably like "oh my gosh" stop be a baby and stop whining and get a job. Well fuk you if you’re thinking that. I will get a job in my own time and when I do it will be good for me and I still won’t care what you have to say about it. I think I’m going to finish there for the fact that I’m starting to think and I’m beginning to get pissed at some people and some situations. Perhaps I’ll bitch later but then again maybe I won’t for the sake of some things.


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