Brian's Loft

Monday, September 15, 2003

Yeah. That’s right. I rule. No seriously, I do. Who am I? I love this person. Guess this and you win NOTHING! Not a whole lot has been going on. I’ve been sitting around and reading. I’m almost finished with the LOTR books. I have 20 pages left. I’m not really caring for the way things are going but I’ll see. I just get this weird feeling. Like it’s not the way I wanted it to end. But like I said I have 20 pages left so maybe something will happen.
Still no luck with the job thing but then again it may be b/c I’m not really looking. I figure I NEED a job by the end of the month and I can get one if I really want to so we shall see.
One of the worst feelings in the world is feeling sad. I don’t really get that way anymore but I do at times when I think about school and such. And then I realize that it may be silly to act the way I am for the time being. I know I do that a lot and now things are going to be so different in a few months with a few people and I don’t like it but I know that we will meet again. And I know that everything happens for a reason so I don’t get too down on that all the time. Yeah yeah. I’m finished with being upset, it’s a waste of time and it only makes things icky…that’s right folks I said icky.
I’ve been playing some HALO on legendary and let me tell you it’s kicking my ass. I’m on the third level and it is as hard as anything. Sorry I couldn’t come up with anything clever like as hard as a piece of year old bread or something retarded like that. If you come up with a good one you’ll receive NOTHING yet again. And that my friends is this post. Oh yeah. I LOVE MUSIC AND LIFE AND EVERY ONE OF YOU READING THIS! Unless I do not like not hate you not like that not.


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