Brian's Loft

Tuesday, February 25, 2003

Hello everybody! I just wanted to say hello and thanks to the selected few who actually take the time out of their day to read my blog and leave COMMENTS, I really appreciate it, honestly I do. Nothing has really been going on. School is fun yet boring at the same time and that pretty much sums that up. I still have some homework to do tonight but it shouldn't be that hard and I have a project due Thursday but, I’m pretty much finished with that so I don't have anything to worry about. 57 more days left in my high school career. I’m sad yet happy. Concerning absent, I have no idea what’s going on with that and it upsets me. It’s something I greatly enjoy and I love the music we played, yes played. We don’t really practice anymore but I hope things will pick up and all will be great again (not that things are great I’m just referring to the music thing). In other news 2 more days left of school this week and then off to Disney for Juan’s birthday extravaganza. I say this will rock. I’m off to go take a shower though. I hope everyone is enjoying life and if not DO IT! Or if you need someone to talk with about it I’m always here.

Friday, February 21, 2003

i am now kool, kalm, and kollected...or something like that.

Wednesday, February 19, 2003

Hi. Have you guys liked the positive vibe that I’ve had going? Well, that’s kool if you did but I’m about to bitch right now and it’s going down the drain. I’m fukking sick and tired of the all the shit I’ve been getting from my so-called “friends”. Damn it. Today I walk into sociology and _____ punches me in the arm pretty hard and I was like what the hell and then he does it again. After this occurrence he threw my bag and my books on the floor and said, “I’m having a good day”. What the fuk is that about? I was holding back all my anger not to bitch because I know it would have got me nowhere. Then at lunch all I hear about is get a job Brian. Come to school brain (even though I haven’t missed a day in a while) and shit like why are you pissed off? Oh no he won’t be at school tomorrow or the day after that. Ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. I seriously am getting sick of this crap. I can’t wait till Juan’s party. It’s going to so much freaking fun, a break from all this stress. I get to hang with the other group. I’m looking forward it. They don’t judge me, tell me what to do and so on. It’s such a relief and plus I miss them so it’s beneficial in many ways. Yeah well, anyway my day sucked hardcore ass today. Oh yeah. I have a problem and if any of you want to help or leave advice feel free to. I know this person who has an eating disorder and I have no clue what to do. She told me the other day. I’ve known her for like 4 or 5 years maybe longer. She said her mom knows but there is nothing that her mom can force her to do b/c she’s 18. I told her that she needs help but, she said it’s not that easy and that she will stop it all when the time is right but, she doesn’t know when that will be. I want to help her b/c I care but I have no clue what to do. It’s been going on for like a year. Not only does she bring upon self-induced vomiting but she also starves herself. Another ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh. Well, I’m finished for now. My next post will be much brighter. I hope.

Monday, February 17, 2003

well, i just got back from seeing daredevil and i actually thought it was pretty good. call me what you may but i liked it. i heard it was bad from my brother, meghan and what i read in franks blog so my expectations weren't too high. i guess i was just in the mood. about the whole valentines day thing if you’d care to know this is what i did. i told mandy all week that we were going to this fancy restaurant so she was all excited and such and then when valentines day came it was a complete flip around. when i arrived at her house she looked amazing but that’s beside the point, i blindfolded her and we drove. she had no clue where we were going. i took her back to my house where i had prepared chicken alfredo along with salad and bread for us to eat in the candlelight. she said that it tasted really good and i thought that i had done a pretty good job myself. and that was that pretty much. we also exchanged gifts later that evening and earlier in the day at school i brought her a giant teddy bear a red rose and a balloon. outside it's raining right now. the rain is pretty kool in my opinion. it's suspicious and mysterious and not to mention remarkably beautiful and calming. when it rains i feel it's always a good time to reflect and grab your girl or boyfriend or teddy bear, monkey whatever and cuddle. there is always time for that. i love mandy so much. i know you don't want to read about how much i love her but too bad. i love her, i truly honestly do and this is the happiest i've ben in a long time. i hope this feeling never goes away. well, that's it for this entry. i talk with you all later. may happiest be all that life brings you.

Thursday, February 13, 2003

i rock at mech assult. i came in first place twice today. damn, i'm getting better. tomorrw is valentines day. wooohoooie. did you know that valentine is my conformation name? now you know that along with the dinosaur thingy. i'll tell you all what i'm doing for mandy after i do it so in other words i'll tell you what i did later...or something. this post probably won't be too long b/c i'm tired...hold on...i have to go plug my brothers computer back in b4 i forget and he yells at me...muahahahahaha. ok finished. school is so easy it's boring. all we do it sit around and's boring but fun at the same time so that makes up for it. three day weekend coming up. yesssss, rock. i'm sooooo happy about that. i'm going to grow my little sideburns back. yep. i'm trying to right now and i think it shall take awhile for that fact that i'm not that great at growing facil hair but it's all good. my head hurts. i think i need sleep so that is where i'm going, bed. hahe. you know it. you all have a wonderful night and day or whenever you read this. just have a good one. oh yeah, i love mandy and i miss you all...soon...that's right soon. :)

Wednesday, February 12, 2003

HALLO!!!! what is up peoples? not too much over here. in 2 days...count em' 2 days valentines day will be upon us. good stuff...but, is it? ;) i had a rather amusing and interesting convo. with mr. alan brotz himself last night on the tele. hahaha...muscles...insides joke sorry. i won't go into detail...i shall leave you all in suspence. i went out looking for a job today if anyone cares and i applied at some pizza place (crosses fingers) i need money people, come on. the gym is fun. i started my new work out and it hurts but i don't see results yet, hopefully soon we all shall see. mandy and i go jogging every tuesday and thursday. good stuff i must say. the world is beautiful. we go on the oviedo trail and it rocks. i like the smells. hahe. there are really kool and interesting ones that fill your lungs and heart. the beach. i need to go. i am as white as a..umm...._______ (fill in blank). most of my time lately has been spent at the gym or playing video games or hanging out with mandy (in no order). video games kick my ass times does mandy. my recent favorite is mech assult. i play this through xbox live and it rulesssss. hahe. did you know that dinosaurs ruled the earth 65 million years ago? now you do. i love life. it's so freaking amazing. have you ever just sat outside and wondered how people take it for granted. you should. free you mind and just indluge yourself in the natural beauties of this world. i know some things are bad and it may be hard to do but it's worth it. i was going to post this the other night and i had more to talk about then but now i can't seem to remember. later kids. make life a wonderful thing and i'll catch you soon...i hope.

Saturday, February 08, 2003

wow...hey everyone..long time no post. i can't believe it, i'm actually writing something. it's 11:42 p.m. on february 8th of the year 2003 and i'm doing nothing. it sucks but sometimes you just need it to think or perhaps write and well that's what i'm doing. i'm listening to the spice girls song "goodbye"...awww...brings back so many memories. i'm going to cry. sniff*. tissue please. to go back to the old days would be too good but the future looks even better. my life has pretty much been the same. i'm still in search for THE JOB but i'm having no such luck as of now. v-day is almost here and i'm looking forward to spending it with mandy. almost 9 months together with this wonderful i miss hanging out with my cousin alan..this i am sure and it blows. i miss my friends and the group...even though they are so close they seem so far. in about 4 months i'll be graduating from high school. i've waited so long for this and wanted this so bad but now i'm not sure if i'm ready. i'm scared. it's weird how some things you hate at times you'll grow to miss and soon treasure them. i guess we just have to make the most of our time here while we can. i'm in a rather stange mood tonight. it's as if everything in my life is flashing before me and i'm noticing everything that i've taken for granted and how i've look past all the wonderful and beautiful things in life and how i need to get out there, walk around and admire this worlds beauties. it truly is an amazing thing. life. who would have thought.