Brian's Loft

Monday, September 29, 2003

The world is such a BEAUTIFUL place. I love it so much.

Tuesday, September 23, 2003

I can’t really remember everything that has happened since my last post. But I can tell you this. I went to The Starting Line concert this past Friday and wow. Yeah. That’s not a good wow. I saw The Starting Line earlier in the year at The Vans Warped Tour and they sucked. I mean they didn’t sound bad but the drummer couldn’t keep time so it messed everyone up and it sucked. Now when I just saw them that had become a little better but they still sucked so we (Mandy, Mark and Will) left after 3 songs. The other bands were good. Senses Fail was all right. I didn’t think they were anything special although the singer goes crazy go nuts. The next band Early November was rocking. They put on a good show. The bass player was tearing it up jumping around and such. I think the next band was Alistair or something. I thought they were decent. And then the band Mandy, Will and I were waiting for….HomeGrown. They freaking ripped that place up. They were so freaking good. They should have been the headliner. Wooohooooie.
Let me see. Oh yeah. My friend Katie said, “fuck you” the other day. It hurt. But it’s okay. I’ll let it go by once. She apologized. One more thing to make this more clear. She's not a bitch she's a really nice girl I just made her mad.
Mandy is moving soon. Yep that’s right no more boonies now she’s going to live in a trashy neighborhood. But it’s okay. It doesn’t bother me any. Now this is not my opinion, I honestly don’t think it’s a bad place or ugly house but Mandy has said it’s a white trash place from when she first saw it. On another note she had to put her cat to sleep and is very upset. I feel bad for her b/c that was her first pet but it doesn’t bother me b/c I don’t like cats. I know that may sound mean and it is. I’m sorry. But I am still sorry that an animal had to die. I apologize and hope she can get over it with time.
So lately I’ve been writing some techno music on Fruity Loops and it is hot. I want to start a rap group with my friends Chris and Mark but I’ll talk with them about it. I’ve also been playing a lot of NFL Fever 2003. I’m playing on rookie and I have a 13-0 record with the Dolphins. That’s right. I have the Number 1 offence, defense, QB, RB, the most sacks, best punter and so on. After I win the Super Bowl I plan on going on the next difficulty level. I just beat the Chargers…77 to 3. Haha. I rule. The next game I play the Raiders.
Well, I’m off to take a shower. I’ll talk to all of you later. Love me and life.

Tuesday, September 16, 2003

I just finished the LOTR series and all I have to say is wow. :)

Monday, September 15, 2003

Yeah. That’s right. I rule. No seriously, I do. Who am I? I love this person. Guess this and you win NOTHING! Not a whole lot has been going on. I’ve been sitting around and reading. I’m almost finished with the LOTR books. I have 20 pages left. I’m not really caring for the way things are going but I’ll see. I just get this weird feeling. Like it’s not the way I wanted it to end. But like I said I have 20 pages left so maybe something will happen.
Still no luck with the job thing but then again it may be b/c I’m not really looking. I figure I NEED a job by the end of the month and I can get one if I really want to so we shall see.
One of the worst feelings in the world is feeling sad. I don’t really get that way anymore but I do at times when I think about school and such. And then I realize that it may be silly to act the way I am for the time being. I know I do that a lot and now things are going to be so different in a few months with a few people and I don’t like it but I know that we will meet again. And I know that everything happens for a reason so I don’t get too down on that all the time. Yeah yeah. I’m finished with being upset, it’s a waste of time and it only makes things icky…that’s right folks I said icky.
I’ve been playing some HALO on legendary and let me tell you it’s kicking my ass. I’m on the third level and it is as hard as anything. Sorry I couldn’t come up with anything clever like as hard as a piece of year old bread or something retarded like that. If you come up with a good one you’ll receive NOTHING yet again. And that my friends is this post. Oh yeah. I LOVE MUSIC AND LIFE AND EVERY ONE OF YOU READING THIS! Unless I do not like not hate you not like that not.

Wednesday, September 10, 2003

Lets begin. The KoRn concert. All I have to say is freaking amazing. One of the best shows I have ever been to. I went with Mark and then we met up with Brian and Dan later at the show. Mark and I were up front. I however left after about 10-11 songs. I wasn’t enjoying myself and plus I had failed to eat earlier in the day so that didn’t help any on me feeling well. They played for about an hour and a half, mostly older stuff and one song off of Untouchables so I was happy about that. They played Blind, Clown, Divine, Faget and Shoots and Ladders off of the self-titled. Yeah yeah. David’s set was amazing. It was silver; everything was silver, cymbals and all. It was like a cold water when the sun shines in the early spring. J. I have no clue what that was.
I’m almost finished with the LOTR trilogy. I have about 150 pages left. The books are amazing. One of if not the best books that I have ever read.
So I went to New York and New Jersey for a family reunion this past weekend. Yeah, NY is great. It’s crazy though. Everything you see on TV about NY is true except for it being insanely dirty. All the honking, the yelling, the people, the pizza everything. We only went to the city but it was rather clean and the subway was not bad at all. It was so much to take in in one day. However I prefer country and such over the city. The buildings are too much for me. There is not enough sky and too much metal and glass. NJ was very pretty. The scenery was great and so was the family reunion. Not everyone was all dance dance and such but we being (me, my mom, my dad, my brother, Meghan and Mandy) made it fun. Overall I had a great time. We stayed at my dad’s aunt’s house and it was gorgeous. It was a huge house with a great yard and such. I could just go on and on about the trip and I may later on but for now this is all I’m going to write I’ll keep you in suspense or something like that. Hahe. I love you all and life. Seriously I do. You make me me.

Monday, September 01, 2003

Well, a lot has been going on for once. To begin, I have a virus on my computer, which I cannot delete. It’s called the favoriteman virus and no matter what I do it won’t go away. I’ve tried all the websites and it appears that I don’t have some of the files I need to get rid of it. So I have no clue what that’s about. Next, I’ve been having really weird dreams lately. I had one a few nights ago that had a lot to do with dinosaurs and I want to go into depth about it and I will just not in this post.
I was supposed to be getting a job at Bill’s Elbow Biggest Ass Fuck South but I didn’t. I had applied there a week or so ago and when I applied I had an interview where one of the managers told me to “come back on Sunday to check the schedule to see if you’re on it. You should be starting Monday or sometime next week.” So I went in that Sunday and some lady and Bill I believe it was said that they had never heard of me. Then they called the guy who “didn’t” hire me that’s exactly what he said, I didn’t hire him. So all I will say about that place if fuck them and they will never get me to go in there and give them my money again.
I applied at Office Max, TJ Max, and Bed Bath and Beyond the other day and I plan on going back sometime later in the week. I also plan on going out either tomorrow or today to Waterford Lakes and see who all is hiring down there.
I saw jeepers creepers 2 tonight with Mandy and it wasn’t as bad as I thought it was going to be. I’m not saying it was good but I’m just saying it didn’t blow that hard.
Yesterday I helped my brother move out. That’s right he finally left. I can’t believe it. All day we packed up his room and such. All the posters, all the shit, the bed, the ps2, the chairs, the couches…everything is gone. It feels weird. I walk past his room and it’s empty. I don’t really like the feeling. I know he’s only 15 minutes away but I mean my big brother moved out and it kind of sux. I’m going to miss him not being home even though he really never was but I always knew that he had to come back sooner or later and now he really doesn’t.
This whole entry is in no order what so ever and that’s okay. I’m just writing whatever comes to mind at the time it comes to me. End of note.
I still haven’t watched The Two Towers yet. We just bought it today and Will purchased it like 2 days ago or so and I still have not yet viewed it. I’m almost finished with the book. Only 55 pages left and then one more to go. They are really good. I enjoy reading for once because it’s actually something I want to read.
I went to Best Buy today with my dad and Mandy to look at TV’s for myself. I’m not sure what kind I want to get or what size I want or even if I want one. It came up tonight between Mandy and I that I have a problem with people spending money on me. I don’t like it. I hate it when money is spent on me…like a large sum. If it’s my birthday or Christmas or something of that effect I don’t seem to mind as much but other then that I can’t stand it. I don’t like knowing that someone else is wasting their money on me and it bothers me for some reason. Asking my parents for money lately and I don’t do it often if I even do it is starting to get to me. I feel like a loser and I personally think I am. I know all of you are probably like "oh my gosh" stop be a baby and stop whining and get a job. Well fuk you if you’re thinking that. I will get a job in my own time and when I do it will be good for me and I still won’t care what you have to say about it. I think I’m going to finish there for the fact that I’m starting to think and I’m beginning to get pissed at some people and some situations. Perhaps I’ll bitch later but then again maybe I won’t for the sake of some things.